21 Ways to Improve Your Social Media Customer Service

Social Media Customer Service is important

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With the advent of social media, businesses have had to adapt their customer service models to accommodate the new medium. And while some companies have been slow to change, others have embraced using social media platforms as an opportunity to improve their customer service.

Social media Customer Services enables users to contact support through social media. It represents one crucial customer contact channel for the entire service ecosystem that complements call center customer support as it grows.

This also covers the handling of complaints and providing advice and answers. In a broader sense, the objective is to provide clients with easy and enjoyable customer experiences that support business growth.

What is social customer service?

Social customer service refers to a practice where a customer may receive support via Facebook or Twitter for a quick answer. 76% say that resolving an issue is critical to good services, which is invaluable to social consumers.

Social networks like Facebook and Twitter are certainly more than just new platforms for advertising. In addition, it is becoming increasingly valuable and valid channels for customers seeking and obtaining support. According a Sprout Social Index, a third quarter of respondents used social media for communication with brands.

Here are a few tips on how to provide effective customer service on social media:


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1. Be responsive

One of the most important things you can do for your customers is to be responsive to their inquiries, comments, and concerns. Show them that you’re listening and that you care about their issues by responding as quickly as possible.

Answering all questions on your various social media accounts shows that you have responsive customer service. This proves to potential customers that you care about your clients’ needs.

On the other hand, social media can also be a minefield of negativity. If you’re not careful, you could end up spending more time responding to haters than actual customers. So, what’s a small business to do? Well, you can take a page from the playbook of Hootsuite CEO Ryan Holmes, who advocates ignoring the trolls and focusing on the real customers.

2. Be available

While it’s important to be available on various social media platforms, it’s even more important to provide good customer service. 

That’s because social media is public. If you make a mistake, it can be quickly magnified. So it’s crucial to respond to customer inquiries promptly and professionally. 

Of course, that’s easier said than done. Social media moves fast, and it can be hard to keep up when providing customer service. But if you want your small business to succeed, you need to be available to provide good customer service on social media.

3. Be personal

It’s important for small businesses to be personable on social media. By engaging with customers on a personal level, you can build relationships that will last a lifetime. Plus, you’ll probably get a free promotion out of it! So be personal with your customer service on social media – your small business will thank you for it.


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4. Be human

Social media has changed the way that businesses interact with customers. In the past, businesses could get away with being impersonal and unresponsive, but now customers expect more. They want to feel like they are being heard, and they want to see that businesses are willing to go the extra mile to solve their problems.

That’s why it’s so important for businesses to provide great social customer service on social media. By being human and engaging with customers in a personal way, businesses can build relationships and trust. And when customers feel good about a business, they’re more likely to become loyal fans and advocates.

So, if you’re running a small business, don’t underestimate the importance of social media customer service. It could be the key to success.

5. Be helpful

How do you provide a customer support website for your business? Earlier telephone calls were the easiest and most efficient way for clients to ask companies for assistance. Telephone calls have beaten the postal system in terms of speedy services. It was referred to as snail mail. Then came email as a way to get quick and efficient service. I can’t remember why e-mailed emails killed phone calls, but then social networking was killed.

Today, it may have appeared as though direct messages and customer satisfaction surveys are the best way to be handling those customer queries

6. Be empathetic

Customer service on social media can be a funny thing. On the one hand, you want to be empathetic and understanding with your customers. After all, they’re entrusting you with their business, and they deserve to be treated well.

On the other hand, social media is a public forum, and you don’t want to give the impression that you’re not in control of your business. It’s a delicate balance, but it’s one that small businesses need to learn to master.

The key is to remember that social media is a two-way street. You need to listen to your customers and address their concerns, but you also need to be firm when necessary. If you can find that balance, you’ll be well on your way to providing superb customer service on social media.

7. Be patient

When it comes to customer service on social media, small business owners need to be patient when it comes to results. Customer service is one area where many businesses struggle. They expect immediate results and are often disappointed when they don’t see them.

The key is to remember that social media is a marathon, not a sprint. Results take time and patience is key. When you provide great customer service on social media, your customers will remember you and will be more likely to do business with you in the future. So be patient and keep up the good work!


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8. Listen to your customers

Marketing professionals know social networks are often used by brands to find specific keywords. Listening is equally important in customer service. Moreover, many people believe in your business.

One in three consumers relies heavily on social media to seek information about businesses or get advice about their needs. Depending on how many views your website generates, it is essential in order for the customer service team members in social networks to analyze the activity so that you can understand how these kinds of issues are discussed online.

9. Monitor social media channels regularly

It’s important to monitor your social media channels regularly and have a customer service plan in place. By responding quickly and effectively to negative feedback, you can prevent a small problem from becoming a big one.

And by showing that you’re responsive and caring, you can turn an unhappy customer into a loyal one. So don’t be afraid of social media – embrace it, and use it to your advantage.

10. Have a plan for dealing with negative comments and feedback

Social media platform is a brilliant way to connect with new and potential customers, engage with your current ones, and build up a strong online social media presence for your small business. But social media can also be a minefield when it comes to negative comments and feedback.

The best way to deal with negative comments is to have a plan in place so you can quickly and efficiently deal with them when they arise. First, consider disabling comments on your social media posts altogether. This way, you won’t have to worry about negative comments appearing in the first place.

If you do choose to leave comments enabled, make sure you moderate them carefully so that only positive, constructive comments are approved. Finally, if you do receive any negative feedback, make sure you respond to it promptly and professionally. By having a plan in place, you can minimize the impact of negative comments and feedback on your small business.


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11. Train your customer service team on social media

That’s why it’s so important to train your customer service team on social media. Make sure hire designated customer service reps, if at all possible, and that they know how to handle customer service requests the right way. By ensuring that your team is responsive and engaging on social media, you can create a positive customer experience that will reflect well on your business.

Plus, you’ll be able to reach a wider audience with your customer service message – social media is a powerful marketing tool, after all. So if you’re not already doing so, start training your team on social media today!

12. Be proactive

It’s always a good idea to be proactive when things happen with social media customer service. That way, you can avoid any potential disasters and keep your small business running smoothly. Here are a few tips to help you out:

-Monitor your social media channels regularly. This way, you can quickly spot any problems that might arise and deal with them accordingly.

-Respond to customer enquiries and customer complaints promptly. Ignoring them will only make the situation worse.

-Make sure your social media team is trained in how to deal with customers effectively. They should know how to diffusing difficult situations and keeping the peace.

Following these simple tips will help you maintain a good relationship with your customers and avoid a socially media customer service disaster.


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13. Resolve issues quickly

As anyone who has ever been on the receiving end of a social media meltdown knows, it’s important to keep your promises when it comes to having to provide customer service. That means responding to complaints via support tickets, giving customer assistance, resolving issues quickly, and being transparent about any changes or delays. By following these simple guidelines, you can avoid the social media Customer Service abyss and build a reputation for being responsive and reliable.

14. Keep your promises

As anyone who has ever been on the receiving end of a social media meltdown knows, it’s important to keep your promises when it comes to customer service. If you offer a sale, be respective of your offer and your guidelines. If you say you’ll be available during certain hours, then you should be available during those hours.

It’s ironic, but it’s the little things you can do as a company, or lack there of, that quickly can sour a customers a opinion of your brand.


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15. Follow up with customers

While some social media customer service can be a bit of a pain, it’s always worth the effort to follow up with customers and ensure that they’re happy with your product or service. So next time you get a customer service question on social media, don’t ignore it – follow up and give your customers the attention they deserve.

16. Show appreciation

As a small business owner, one of the best ways to show appreciation for your customers is through social media. A simple post or tweet expressing your gratitude can go a long way in building customer loyalty. You can also use social media to give customers a behind-the-scenes look at your business, or to offer exclusive discounts and promotions.

Of course, outstanding customer service is always the best way to show appreciation for your customers. Whether it’s going the extra mile to resolve a problem or simply offering a friendly smile, treating your customers well is the best way to ensure they keep coming back. So, show your customers some love – they’ll be sure to appreciate it!


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17. Stay positive

Businesses will respond negatively by expressing criticism. Usually, you must accept skepticism and optimism in your daily routine. This old saying is also applicable to online sales tenfold. If someone complains at the store, perhaps 3 others might listen.

When customers complain online, they will probably see the complaint in their Facebook news feed. Staying positive also gives you a strong loyal customer base. Many of these fans or supporters are gathered to support the brand when they have an antagonistic negative follower.

18. Set up brand monitoring

The first step in implementing social media monitoring is to create a brand monitoring system to help your users find your products. This can be done easily through social media sites. This can be done even easier using social media monitoring tools.

Customize the brand management software by streamlining to identify and listing posts containing specific words. This allows for quick identification of the most relevant information.

Besides generating positive comments about your brand, you can also use this method. If your questions need answering, create your own stream of content. Different streams help segment customers’ needs to prioritize urgent matters.


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19. Be transparent

If you need a quick response, this does not necessarily mean you can easily solve customer problems in an instant. Instead of presenting false information, you should clearly explain what the customer is waiting for. Those who have waited too long for your product will be much more disappointed when your offer is not delivered. This person will really appreciate it. Tell us the reasons why it takes longer to resolve the issue.

20. Offer customer support in multiple languages

What if you’re trying to reach a specific market segment that speaks a different language? You could be missing out on a huge opportunity! by providing multilingual support, you can set your business apart in saturated markets.

Your team can build stronger emotional connections with customers by speaking their language, and you can attract new market segments that you can serve better. So if you’re looking to stand out from the crowd, don’t forget the power of multilingualism! 


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21. Use social media to build relationships, not just for customer service

Social media has become an essential tool for small businesses. In addition to providing a platform for marketing and advertising, social media can also be used to build relationships with customers and create a sense of community.

However, some businesses make the mistake of using social media solely for customer service. While it is important to respond to customer inquiries and complaints in a timely manner, social media can also be used to proactively engage with customers.

For example, small businesses can use social media to promote new products, share tips and advice, or simply connect with customers on a personal level. In today’s digital world, social media is a powerful tool that should be used to build relationships, not just for customer service.

You can learn more about the do’s and don’ts about social media by reading our master guide on social media mistakes.


Providing excellent customer service to social clients can be a difficult task in its own right. Despite marketing efforts being effective at driving social traffic, social media customer care departments have to get to know customers who already socialize and interact.

Customer service is more important than ever, and social media is a great way to improve your customer service.

By being responsive, available, personal, human, helpful, empathetic, patient, and listening to your customers, you can provide excellent customer service. Implement these tips into your customer service strategy and you’re sure to see an improvement in the way your customers view your business.

No matter how good your social media customer service is, there’s always room for improvement. So make sure you’re always looking for ways to improve your service and make your customers’ experience even better.

With these 21 tips, you’re well on your way to providing outstanding social media customer service!


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